Calculation of DC Josephson current of superconductive junction in external magnetic field 外场中超导结的直流约瑟夫逊电流的计算
Barrier Interface Scattering Effect on DC Josephson Current in f-Wave Superconductor/ f-Wave Superconductor Junctions f波超导体/绝缘层/f波超导体结中势垒散射对直流Josephson电流的影响
Characteristics of DC Josephson Current in Double-layer Magnetic d-wave Superconductor Junction 双层磁性d波超导结的直流Josephson电流的性质对流层波导电波传播
By the relation of Josephson, when the voltage between junctions of DSC system is changed and DSC system is in the constant magnetic field or various magnetic field, dc Josephson current of the DSC system has the effect of many steps. 由Josephson关系,得出DSC系统分别处于稳恒磁场和交变磁场时,两结间所加交变电压的直流分量改变,将导致系统的dcJosephson电流产生多次阶梯效应。
Rough interface scattering effect on DC Josephson current in ferromagnet-superconductor tunnel junctions 铁磁-超导隧道结中粗糙界面散射对直流Josephson电流的影响
SQUID and the quantum phase difference of Josephson tunnel current, and using Josephson fundamental equations, this paper gains the relation, between the supercurrent of D. SQUID中通过环路的磁通与约瑟夫逊电流的量子相位差的关系,并利用约瑟夫逊方程得到D。
The dc Josephson current in double ferromagnet-superconductor tunnel junctions 双层结构铁磁-超导隧道结的直流Josephson电流
Chinese knot resistive step from Bloch oscillation on Josephson junctions driven by an alternating current 交流驱动Josephson结Bloch振荡的阻抗式阶跃
Voltage-current characteristics of intrinsic Josephson single junction 本征Josephson单结的电流-电压特性
The dc Josephson Current in the Unsymmetrical s-wave Superconductor/ Insulator/ s-wave Superconductor Junctions 不对称s波超导体/绝缘层/s波超导体结的直流Josephson电流
Step Effect of dc Josephson Current of DSC System DSC系统的dcJosephson电流阶梯效应
The non-equilibrium phase transition, Ising-like phase transition of two-dimensional fully-frustrated Josephson junction arrays driven by external current was studied in the framework of the short-time dynamic scaling method. 在短时动力学标度方法的框架下,研究了二维完全阻挫Josephson结阵列在外加电流时的非平衡态相变-Ising型相变。
In the presence of external sources, a superconducting weak link can be represented by a simplified model, consisting of a resistively shunted Josephson junction driven by a current source. 超导弱连接在外源作用下,一般能简化为由电流源驱动的电阻分路约瑟夫森结模型。
The DC Josephson current in spin-triplet Superconductor Junctions 自旋三重态超导体结的直流Josephson电流
Based on the OS model, the Harris singularity of the Josephson current of a junction which is driven into non-equilibrium, is investigated. 本文用OS模型研究了当组成Josephson隧道结的一个超导膜处于非平衡态时,Josephson电流的Harris奇点的变化。
DC Josephson Current of Superconductor/ semiconductor/ superconductive Junction in External Field 外场中超导体/半导体/超导体结的直流Josephson电流
Finite wavenumber effect on AC Josephson current 交流Josephson效应中的有限波数影响
The step structure effect of DC Josephson current within one flux quantum period(ⅰ) squid consisting of two junctions 在一个磁通量子内dcJosephson电流的阶梯效应(Ⅰ)双结SQUID
In this paper, the direct current Josephson effect of SSeS superconductor junction is derived using Ginzburg-Landau equation with the extended Jacobson method. 以推广了的Jacobson方法,由GinzburgLandau方程出发,推导出了SSeS超导结的直流Josephson效应。
Measurements on the switching current distribution of a Josephson junction Josephson结开关电流分布的测量方案探讨
Its main research and result are as follows: In chapter one, some fundamental conceptions are introduced, including the development of the study for superconductors 'properties, Andreev reflection properties and Josephson current effect in the superconductor tunnel junctions. 其主要工作和结果为:在第一章中,简要的介绍了超导体的研究进展,超导隧道结中的Andreev反射特性,约瑟夫森电流效应以及研究超导隧道结中约瑟夫森电流的理论方法。
Also, it is found that the Josephson critical current depend on the relative orientation of the effective exchange field and the crystal orientation of two ferromagnetic d-wave superconductors. The exchange field under certain condition of ferromagnet thickness can enhance the Josephson critical current. 另外还发现约瑟夫森电流还依赖两边磁性d波超导不同磁化方向和不同晶轴方向,磁性d波超导的交换场在取特定的铁磁层厚度下可增强约瑟夫森电流。